E-prescription module

E-prescription module

Moduł e-recepty to dodatkowa funkcja dostępna w programie Ortodoncja 9 umożliwiająca wystawianie e-recept.

Główną zaletą modułu jest przede wszystkim prosty schemat wystawiania e-recept, jak również aktualna baza leków.

Sam proces wystawiania e-recepty jest bardzo podobny do wystawiania tradycyjnej recepty papierowej. Z bazy dostępnych leków wybieramy interesujące nas pozycje, uzupełniamy je o następujące dane: wielkość opakowania, typ refundacji leku oraz dawkowanie. Program sam uzupełnia receptę w dane pacjenta oraz dane placówki i lekarza, który daną receptę wystawia.

Zasadnicza różnica w procesie wystawiania recepty widoczna jest dopiero na końcowym etapie, gdzie dotychczasowy wydruk zostaje zastąpiony receptą w formie elektronicznej, a następnie przesłaniu jej do systemu P1.


For the proper functioning of the E-prescription module, that is necessary:

  • Having a qualified signature that will allow you to sign E-prescriptions
  • Having an account in the Registry of Health Care Entities  (https://rpwdl.csioz.gov.pl )

Instructions for issuing e-prescriptions in the Orthodontics program

If you are interested in the e-prescription module in the Orthodontics program, please contact us and we will launch the module for 3 months at no extra charge.

+48 608 452 101

+48 882 48 10 10

Technical Help:

+48 603 131 273

What is an e-prescription?

E- Prescriptions are a central IT system made available as part of the project “Electronic Platform for Collection, Analysis and Sharing of Digital Content on Medical Events” (System P1)

The main goals of the e-prescriptions system are to facilitate the prescription process, reduce errors, optimize the time for the doctors and pharmacists, while eliminating the problem of illegible and false prescriptions. E-prescriptions are the digital version of the current paper prescriptions. From January 2020, prescriptions will be compulsorily issued in electronic form.

Main views of the e-prescription module


  • How does E-prescription work?
  • The subject certification process in the P1 system  
  • Frequently asked questions. 

More information about the e-prescription system can be found on the website of the Healthcare Information Systems Center:

How to start a e-prescription module?

1.Install certificates that have been generated from the P1 system:

Installation is done by running the certificate (double-click on the TLS and WSS certificate) and following the certificate installation manager.

  1. In the Orthodontics program, enter  and then select  from the list.
  • In the  tab, we complete the data of individual doctors by selecting a given doctor from the left table and clicking “Edit user details” – the most important thing is to enter the title and Number of the right to practice and check the box, “Use qualified signature”

  • In the  tab, we complete all facility details. Please note that a 14-digit REGON is required (you can find it in RPWDL)

Institution registration number – RPWDL, SECTION I, Box 1. Registration book number

Organizational unit no. – RPWDL, SECTION II, Box 7. Department code identifying the organizational unit in the organizational structure of the treatment facility, which is part V of the departmental identification code system

Choose the right NFZ branch – even when unscheduled issuing of prescriptions with refunds

Contract number with NFZ – optional!

Choose the right unit specialization – RPWDL, Section III, Box 8. Scope of health services provided in the organizational unit => Departmental code characterizing the specialty of the organizational unit, which is part of the VIII system of departmental identification codes

Local OID of the unit – Data was sent in the email about granting access to P1

Business OID of the unit – For medical entities fixed value: 16.840.1.113883.3.4424.2.3.1

Biz extension. OID: RPWDL, SECTION I, Box 1. Registration book number,

Organizational unit: RPWDL, SECTION III, Box 7. Department code identifying the organizational unit constituting part VII of the system of departmental identification codes, for the relevant specialization

Then load the TLS and WSS certificates installed in p.1 by clicking “Load TLS / WSS certificate” and choosing the appropriate

Information based on https://www.csioz.gov.pl/