Computer orthodontic workshops
Practical exercises using your own computers will teach you all the possibilities of the Orthodontics 9 program.
We offer training in which you will expand knowledge and practical skills in the field of effective computer use – improving all stages of orthodontic treatment.
New training date:
9.05.2020 r
Theoretical part
Discussion of issues related to electronic medical documentation and medical data security, hardware configuration and presentation of the most commonly used functions of the Orthodontics program:
- Cephalometric analyzes, use of results in creating treatment plans;
- Photos:
- quick adding to patient cards
- processing: cropping, rotation, mirroring, adding scratches and guides;
- the usefulness of photography at individual stages;
- Work with virtual diagnostic models;
- Keeping patient records;
- Creating individual entries in the program in the template editor;
- Searching and sorting information according to desired criteria;
- Patient export and import;
- Communication with x-ray techniques and laboratories;
Coffee break
Practical part
11.50- 14.30
Individual computer work in cooperation with workshop leaders. First of all in the plan:
- cephalometric analysis according to the chosen method;
- entering your own cephalometric measurements;
- creating treatment plans;
- measuring, archiving and sending virtual diagnostic models;
- technician module support;
- interpretation of colors illustrating skeletal defects
- entering research and interview data;
- entering, cropping and editing photographic, X-ray and STL files;
- tele-x-ray comparisons and superimposition
- analysis, archiving and transmission of virtual diagnostic models;
- template editor;
- sorting and filtering data in a file, searching the database by keywords;
Lunch break
Practical part
Individual computer work, consultations with workshop leaders.
* We reserve the right to change the date of the training. Each participant will be personally notified of any changes by e-mail or telephone.