Creating a new database

Creating a new database

For the Orthodontics 9 program to work, all patients are saved to a special database. For security reasons, it must be pre-configured, i.e. a new user-physician will be created with an individual password, and it will be possible to configure automatic backups.

The first step will be to create a new user. To do this, provide your first and last name, individual username (login) and password (along with confirmation). Other fields are optional.

The username will be created automatically based on the first letter of the name. If the suggested name is not appropriate, you can change it.

The doctor created in the process of creating a new database is also its administrator (has the highest permissions).

The correct password must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a min. 8 characters
  • Contain at least one capital letter
  • Include at least one special character (e.g.! @ # $% ^ & *)

In the next stage it is necessary to configure the database storage location. This step cannot be skipped.

We suggest that you specify the database location on the disk (C 🙂 in a separate new folder. After selecting the location, select the Open button.

The next stage of the new database wizard is to specify the frequency of the backup and to save it.

The frequency of backup reminders is selected from the drop-down list:

To select the place where the application should save the automatic backups, press the Select folder button and then select the destination folder.

Ortobajt recommends creating backups on a specially purchased USB external drive.

The next step is to complete the data of the medical facility where the program will be used. This step is not mandatory and can be skipped, but it is good to enter at least the facility name.


After going through all the steps of the wizard, you can press the Create database button – after a while the database will be created and the login window will be displayed, where you must enter the data of the previously created doctor.