Template editor
The template editor is used to edit most of the texts available in the program with the option to insert from the selection bar. We are talking about such elements as:
- hearing
- price list
- diagnosis
- documents
- issues
- patient consent template
- visit flow templates
- visit schedule templates
- price lists
- arches
- e.t.c.
It is located in the folder in the Start Menu> Orthodontics 9> Administrative Tools.
After starting it a window will appear:
In the right part we have a choice of templates to edit – after clicking on any of them in the middle part of the window will appear elements that can be edited.
To change the details of an element, click on it in the middle of the window, and then change the required data in the right. Some fields will be available only in some elements, because it is related to the characteristics of the template.
In the Name field in the menu, enter the name that appears on the screen in the drop-down menu (do not change this field in the patient’s consent!). However, in the text box on the right, enter the text you want to appear / paste after selecting this option.
In some options, it is possible to display a window that will allow you to graphically mark tooth numbers – then select the appropriate option in Teeth selection depending on whether you want the selection to be possible for individual teeth or in a chain.
In addition, the Price field should be completed in the price lists (all other fields will be off).
If you want the program to automatically complete the patient’s name in a given referral place, enter @@@ PATIENT_NAME @@@
Adding new items
When we want to add a new position, press the Add position button in the middle, lower part of the window. However, if we want to add a new menu with several sub-items, then we should press the Add group button (for sub-items). Then we can edit the newly added list item.