Color wheel
The wheel converts the Wits and ML-NL numerical measurements, describing the horizontal and vertical ratio between the maxilla and the mandible, into a single color that allows you to quickly recognize a skeletal problem. This is especially useful when you want to quickly remember the type and severity of a skeletal defect during treatment.
After entering the Wits and ML-NL parameters into the computer, Orthodontics puts them on the coordinate system on which we applied the modified color wheel. The Wits and ML-NL pair correspond to a single color that defines the type of skeletal problem. The darker the color, the more the patient’s skeletal profile deviates from the norm.
A glance at the color generated by the program allows you to quickly recognize not only the type of skeletal problem, but also its severity.
Orthodontics 9 uses the color assigned to the patient to tint the tabs and frames in each program window.