

The Photos tab is used to add, edit and view photos, 3D STL models and DICOM files that are part of the patient’s medical records, and to compare or superimpose photos.

This tab displays thumbnails of photos and files. Preview and photo editing is possible by double-clicking the left mouse button on the selected photo.

Pictures can be sorted by dates (ascending and descending), and alphabetically – for this purpose use the Sort option at the top of the window. The size of the thumbnails can also be changed – the Thumbnail size slider is also used at the top of the screen:

To select several photos at once. you can hold down the Ctrl key and click and select individual photos, or with the Shift button clicked, select the first and last photo, and the program will also select all photos between the two.

In addition, being in the photo tab you can set the selected photo as the main one, to do this right-click on the selected photo and then select Set as the main photo

The main picture will be displayed in the card and in the General Information tab.